Energy Balancing Services
Energy Balancing Session:
55 minutes $140.00
Package of 4 @ $499.00
Our energy systems are electromagnetic and interact and react with other people, places, and equipment all the time. Like sponges our energy systems can accumulate a great deal of static and negative stress as we live day to day. Knowing how to release that accumulation of static energy and stress allows us to sustain a more balanced life. Our extensive energy balancing training (over 4,000 hours each in apprenticeship) followed by decades of experience working with clients pave the way to help you learn to manage your energy and continue to flow in healthy patterns.
Energy balancing sessions are conveniently available:
- Via phone
- Internet software like Zoom
- An in-person office setting if you live near or visit north Dallas TX.
In the office setting we use a massage table and help balance the energy with our hands-on training. Each energy balancing session helps to reestablish healthy energy flows to support wellness. And yes, our energy balancing sessions include useful tools like:
- Focused breathing
- Visualization
- Meditation
- Easy exercises
- Energy balancing homework
All these daily practices help to reinforce your own sensory awareness of your energy field and its flow.
How Many Energy Balancing Sessions Do I Need?
Most of our clients want frequent help with their practice and feel the benefits from multiple energy balancing sessions that can be scheduled multiple days per week, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly using our cost savings 4-session package.
Please call, text, or email us to schedule an appointment or if you have questions about what to expect in a session.
Call or text: 972.400.0807
New Client Forms:
Client Information Form – Download and Print Version
Clinical Release Form – Download and Print Version
New Client Forms – Digital E-Version:
Client Information Form – Digital E-Version
Clinical Release Form – Digital E-Version
Best viewed using Acrobat Reader.
Download for free at
Purchase Sessions
Single Energy Balancing Session
Cost: $140.00
Package of 4 Energy Balancing Sessions
Cost: $499.00
Group Classes or Meditation Practice Upon Request - Call for Pricing at 972.400.0807
We are available to teach and lead classes in energy balancing, personal growth, and meditation practices. Our energy systems balance with daily focused times of calm and quiet. Guided meditation sessions each offer down-to-earth helpful practices. Schedule a session in person at the office, or via phone or zoom, join us or listen to the meditation recordings available on our YouTube channel. If meditation is new to you, or you have tried it before and it didn’t seem to work, we encourage you to give us a try.
Please call and let’s discuss your needs if you have a group in your workplace, church, or school that would benefit from this work. Our pricing is unique to the location, size, and agenda of your group.
To learn more about our work, check out our Articles, Newsletters, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram.